Back in 2017, my mother-in-law downsized, and passed four quilts on to me. Since they were in an old family trunk from Ohio, I justifiably assumed that they had come from family in Ohio!

But lately I have been scanning photo albums from the square dance group my in-laws belonged to, and I found these pictures from 1995. I know it couldn't be that she was the one selling them, because 1) she would have never just tossed them like that, and 2) my in-laws never sold anything!

Now I think my mother-in-law bought them from another square dancer. (The black fabric on the top of the basket at left, is the back of the Maltese Cross quilt.)
And here they are, used for props at an "Old Timers" dance.

By the time she passed them on to me, it was 22 years later, and she really didn't remember where they were from. And now it is seven years after that, and I am still processing all the mementos I got from them!