$10 off through Sunday - Head to the mountains!


Hope to see you!

Good morning, friends!


Want to escape the heat and learn some great plants? Head to the mountains! Here's a coupon for $10 off, valid through Sunday: 10off

Wild Food Walk & Field Tasting in Fairplay
Sat, JULY 20 9-11 am ($50) - $10 off

This 2-hour walk takes place in a town setting, where we will learn edible plants that grow in disturbed areas (weeds!) as well as native plants common to aspen groves and meadows. There will be numerous opportunities for field tasting. I will have signs with the plant names if you would like to use your camera to take notes. 


WEB CLASS: Native Mountain Vegetables
Sun, JULY 14
4pm MT ($20) - $10 off

Learn to ID and eat native vegetables of the Rocky Mountains and beyond, including cow parsnip, bluebells/oyster leaf, heartleaf bittercress, wild tarragon, fireweed, mountain sorrel, and yellow stonecrop, plus related plants and lookalikes. Many of these plants or close relatives can be found across the northern half of the US too.


For all other upcoming classes, please visit CO classesHere are some highlights:

Breckenridge Backcountry (all-day)

Sunday AUG 4 9 am-3 pm ($130) 

This 6-hour, hands-on class will take place on private land high up in Breckenridge's French Gulch. It's great mushroom country, so keep your fingers crossed for fruitful fungi! We'll do plant and mushroom walks, forage ingredients, and make some wild dishes to sample.  

Foothills Foraging (all-day)

Thursday AUG 15 9 am-3 pm ($130) 

This 6-hour, hands-on class will take place in the foothills above Littleton, Colorado, at a private camping retreat with outdoor kitchen. We will learn to ID and use local plants, and do two special hands-on activities–processing wild pine nuts, and making mustard with wild seeds. Then we'll sample what we make.   



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| Wild Food Girl, PO Box 131, Fairplay, CO 80440

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